Avoid Texting Car Accidents

As texting car accidents continue to be a problem on Ontario roads, it is important to know how to avoid them. Here are ten ways to avoid being in a texting accident:

  1. Put your phone away while driving
    This advice may sound obvious, but it’s one of the most important. Putting your phone away will keep you from being distracted and help you focus on the road.
  2. Don’t text and drive
    Even though it’s dangerous to text and drive, many individuals do it anyhow. Never join their ranks. Suppose you need to send a text while driving, pull over to a safe area first.
  3. Use a hands-free device
    If you need to make a call or send a text while driving, use a hands-free device. This will allow you to keep your hands on the wheel and your eyes on the road.
  4. Keep your phone charged
    If your phone is low on battery, you’re more likely to use it while driving. Make sure to keep your phone charged, so you’re less tempted to use it while driving.
  5. Plan ahead
    If you know, you will be travelling long distances, plan and make sure to send any necessary texts or calls before you start driving. This way, you won’t be tempted to use your phone while driving.
  6. Pull over if you need to use your phone
    If you need to use your phone for any reason, pull over to a safe location first. Don’t try to do anything while driving.
  7. Tell passengers not to distract you
    Inform any passengers not to talk or text while they are driving. They should also put away any electronic devices they may have with them.
  8. Avoid using your phone in bad weather conditions
    Bad weather can make it difficult to see the road and lead to accidents. Avoid using your phone in these conditions to focus on the road ahead.
  9. Use voice commands instead of typing texts
    If you need to send a text, try using voice commands instead of typing it yourself. This will keep your hands on the wheel and your eyes on the road.
  10. Educate yourself about the dangers of texting and driving
    Many resources are available for educating yourself about the dangers of texting and driving accidents in Ontario. Take advantage of these resources to stay safe on the roads.

The best way to avoid being involved in a texting and driving accident is to put your phone away while driving simply. Stop and move to a secure area whenever you need to use your phone. Make smart decisions when operating a vehicle and educate yourself on the risks of texting.